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Mangata Dispensary

Argan Carrier Oil

Argan Carrier Oil

Regular price $10.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 CAD
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Immerse yourself in the luxurious world of skincare with our Argan Carrier Oil, a coveted beauty elixir derived from the kernels of Moroccan argan trees. Known as "liquid gold," this carrier oil is a true multitasker, offering a wealth of benefits for both your skin and hair.

Key Features:

Nourishing Hydration: Argan Carrier Oil is revered for its exceptional hydrating properties. It penetrates deeply into the skin, providing intense moisture that leaves your skin feeling silky smooth and revitalized.

Rich in Antioxidants: Packed with antioxidants, vitamin E, and essential fatty acids, this carrier oil helps combat free radicals, promoting a youthful and radiant complexion. It contributes to the overall health and resilience of your skin.

Versatile Beauty Enhancer: Whether applied on its own or as a base for essential oil blends, Argan Carrier Oil serves as a versatile beauty enhancer. Use it as a facial serum, body moisturizer, or incorporate it into your DIY skincare formulations.

Hair Revitalization: Elevate your haircare routine by incorporating Argan Carrier Oil. It nourishes and conditions your hair, promoting shine, reducing frizz, and supporting overall hair health.

Available Sizes:

  • 30 ml
  • 60 ml
  • 120 ml

Indulge in the opulence of our Argan Carrier Oil and unveil the transformative power of this liquid gold as you embrace a holistic approach to radiant and healthy skin and hair.

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The Brewing Basics:

  1. Measure with Precision: For a standard cup, use one teaspoon of loose leaf tea. Adjust the quantity based on your desired strength.
  2. Water Temperature Matters: Different teas require different water temperatures. Boiling water is suitable for black teas, while green and herbal teas benefit from slightly cooler temperatures. Refer to our brewing guide for specific recommendations.
  3. Infusing Time: Let the magic unfold during the infusion. Timing is crucial. Black teas generally need 3-5 minutes, green teas around 2-3 minutes, and herbal teas often require a longer steeping time. Find the sweet spot that suits your taste preferences.
  4. Strain or Steep Freely: Use an infuser or let the leaves steep freely in your cup. This allows the leaves to unfurl and release their full flavour.

Enhance Your Tea Moment:

  1. Add a Personal Touch: Customize your tea moment by adding honey, lemon, or your favourite sweetener. Some blends may pair well with a splash of milk or a twist of citrus.
  2. Sip and Savour: Slow down and savour the moment. Our loose leaf tea invites you to connect with the aromas and flavours, creating a mindful experience that goes beyond the ordinary.